Research Function in Development

Research Function in Development
As beings endowed with reason and mind that distinguish them from other creatures, humans always have a desire to know about the problems and problems that occur around them. Various kinds of events that occur in the environment require us to think and continue to think in order to solve problems that occur. To overcome the problems that almost every time facing required a study that aims to reveal the answers and solve problems. Problems experienced by humans not only revolve around social life, but in the economic, legal, health and so on. Research has a major contribution in solving these problems (Utilization of postgraduate students research for national development). The existence of research becomes a tool in changing behavior in human life, developing existing knowledge, and discovering new sciences that have never been discovered before.
science will not have development without the research carried out by experts in their respective fields. Economists will research in economics, geographers will research in their fields, sociologists, anthropologists, and health experts will research in the fields they are engaged in. Through the studies carried out, whether carried out using empirical data, laboratories and documentation studies in the library will produce brilliant works that can become proposals in making decisions and policies that will ultimately experience significant development in real life.
Everyone has the same opportunity to do research according to their needs, expertise and skills. Lecturers who teach at the Faculty of social sciences will research social science, lecturers who study law will explore and resolve legal issues, and lecturers who teach at other faculties also have the same rights. Likewise, students who are pursuing knowledge in their fields certainly have the opportunity to conduct research in the fields that they master. But unfortunately the results of research conducted by students are nothing more than blank paper that has no meaning in development.
The results of the research will be placed in a library where no one reads it. In fact, if the results of the research are disseminated for consumption by the general public, the benefits will be extraordinary and support the development of this nation. Imagine how many tens of thousands of students study at Indonesian tertiary institutions. Each of them is required to complete a study to end their studies. If the results are collected and utilized by policy makers it will certainly be an extraordinary and very supportive input in national development. Research in the social field that examines poverty and unemployment for example, through this study a researcher can find the answers and suitable models to overcome them.
If these results are taken and applied empirically it will reduce poverty and unemployment which is very large. But sometimes the results of this study do not get serious attention. as a result the research carried out has no meaning in development. Sociology was created to help life in society. There are so many aspects of life that have been helped by the existence of this sociology in the midst of society. Even some fairly complex social problems can be solved easily by using the science of sociology. This means that the use of sociology in society has indeed been like its function since it was first created in France. Even sociology has an important role in the development that exists in society.
Because sociology will provide information and facts that are needed before development is carried out. So that after the building is finished, it will be right on target and in accordance with what is needed by the community. Some of the Roles of Sociology in Development and Research The most important thing in development activities is the social changes that may occur and also the social forces that exist in society. Where sociology already includes all this information. Some differences in transmigration and urbanization are very important to study. The role of sociology in society is: The role of sociology in the field of development. Sociology itself has a role in the field of development as a provider of a comprehensive picture of the negative and positive impacts that will occur if the development is carried out. So that life in society remains balanced between needs and prevailing norms. This is the difference between plural and multicultural societies.