Understanding of Poverty According to Experts and their impact
Aammel Research. Poverty is a condition of economic inability to meet the average standard of living of people in an area. This condition is marked by the low ability of income to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter so that ways to overcome social and economic inequality must be done.
This low income capability will also result in a lack of ability to meet average living standards such as public health standards and also education standards. In order to be clearer, we will provide a review of poverty understanding according to experts, complete with the causes.
Understanding of Poverty According to Experts on Academics Journals;
In the following, we will give some definitions of poverty according to experts which must be well understood.
1. Soerjono Soekanto
According to Soerjono Soekanto, poverty is defined as a condition where a person is unable to maintain himself in accordance with the standard of life of the group and cannot utilize the mental or physical energy within the group.
2. Gillin and Gillin
Poverty is a condition when a person cannot maintain his life scale that is high enough to provide physical and mental efficiency to enable himself and his family to function as they should according to community standards either because of inadequate income or due to unwise spending and experiencing human efforts to meet needs.
Poverty is a condition that is completely lacking because of the conditions that cannot be avoided by someone with all the power they have.
4. Reitsma and Kleinpenning
According to Reitsma and Kleinpenning, poverty is the inability of a person to meet his needs whether it is material or non-material.
5. Suparlan
Poverty is a low standard of living because of experiencing material shortages in a number or class of people when compared to the standard of living prevailing in the surrounding community so there are many examples of actions as social creatures that occur.
6. Friedman
According to Friedman, poverty is an inequality of opportunity to formulate social power in the form of assets, financial resources, social political organizations, social networks, goods or services, knowledge and skills as well as information.
7. Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo
According to Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo, poverty is the inability of a person or several people in the household to meet their basic needs.
8. Ellis
Ellis believes that poverty is a multidimensional symptom that can be assessed from the economic and socio-political dimensions.
9. Levitan
According to Levitan, poverty is a lack of goods and services needed to achieve a decent standard of living like humans in general that interfere with the process of social interaction.
10. Hall and Midgley
According to Hall and Midgley, poverty can be interpreted as a condition of material and social deprivation that causes a person to live below a decent standard of living or a condition in which a person experiences relative deprivation when compared to others in society.
11. Syaifuddin
Syaifuddin believes that a way of thinking that sees poverty as an absolute symptom and also as a relative symptom.
The way of thinking or modeling about poverty as an absolute symptom of viewing poverty as a condition of material deprivation, has little or no means to support its own life.
This realistic perspective consists of two perspectives, namely a cultural perspective and also a structural perspective.
Impact of Poverty
Poverty that occurs in a person in a community group can cause various impacts, such as:
1. Increase crime
Poverty is often associated with crime not without cause. Poor people will tend to do everything they can to make ends meet including crimes such as robbery, theft, fraud and even murder.
2. Increase Death Rate
People who live below the poverty line usually do not get adequate access to health and this will cause the death rate in the poor to increase.
3. Small access to education
The cost of education is quite high, causing the poor to not be able to access the world of education which is one example of social phenomena that occur in society but in a negative way. This will be further exacerbated by the conditions of people who lack because the lack of education will make them unable to compete and unable to rise from adversity.
4. Higher unemployment
People who are below the poverty line cannot access education so it will be difficult to compete in the world of work or business. This then causes the unemployment rate to increase.